Definition: daily increase in Cr (>0.5-1.5 per day) or BUN
Urine: UA, sodium, creatinine, osmolality, urea
Plasma: sodium, creatinine, osmolality, BUN, Na, K, Phos,
Calcium, CBC, eosinophils, peripheral smear
Additional testing (if needed): Complement (C3, C4), ASO
titers, ANA, ANCA
Imaging: renal US with doppler flow, voiding cystourethrography
(postrenal), radionucline renal scanning (transplant, obstruction), CXR
(pulmonary edema), ECHO (heart failure patient)
Other: ECG
3 Clinical Patterns:
- Prerenal
- Intrinsic
- Postrenal
2 output states
- Oliguric: urine volume < 400mL/day; worse pregnosis unless it is
prerenal; anuria < 100 mL/day
- Non-Oliguric
- Volume depeletion
- renal losses (diuretics, polyuria)
- GI losses (vomiting, diarrhea)
- Cutaneous losses (burns, SJS)
- Hemorrhage
- Pancreatitis
- Decreased cardiac output
- PE
- Valvular disease
- abdominal compartment syndrome
- Systemic vasodilation
- sepsis
- anaphylaxis
- anesthetics
- drug overdose
- afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction
- hypercalcemia
- drugs (NSAIDS, ampho B, norepinephrine, radiocontrast agents)
- efferent arteriolar vasodilation
- Vascular (large and small vessel)
- renal artery obstruction (thrombosis, emboli, dissection, vasculitis)
- renal vein obstruction (thrombosis)
- Microangiopathy (TTP, HUS, DIC, preeclampsia)
- Malignant HTN
- Scleroderma renal crisis
- Transplant rejection
- atheroembolic disease
- Glomerular
- anti-glomerular basement membrane (Goodpastures)
- ANCA-associated glomerular nephritis (Wegener, Churg-Strauss,
Microscopy poly angiitis)
- Immune complex GN (lupus, post-infectious, cryoglobulinemia, primary
membranoproliferative GN)
- Tubular
- Ischemic
- Cytotoxic (rhabdo, intravascular hemolysis)
- Crystals (tumor lysis, seizures, ethylene glycol, megadose Vitamin
C, acyclovir, indinivir, MTX)
- Drugs (immunoglycosides, lithium, ampho B, pentamidine, cisplatin,
ifosfamide, radiocontrast agents)
- Interstitial
- Drugs (PCN, cephalosporin, NSAIDs, PPI, allopurinol, rifampin,
indinivir, mesalamine, sulfonamides)
- Infection (pyelo, viral nephritides)
- Systemic Disease (sjogren, sarcoid, lupus, lymphoma, leukemia,
tubulonephritis, uveitis)
Post Renal
- Ureteral Obstruction (stones, tumor, fibrosis, ligation during pelvic
- Bladder neck obstruction (BPH, prostate CA, neurogenic bladder, TCA,
bladder tumor, stone disease, hemorrhage/clot)
- Urethral obstruction (stricture, tumor, phimosis)
- Hypotension
- Volume Contraction
- Nephrotoxic drugs
- Trauma, unaccustomed exertion
- Blood loss, transfusions
- Connective tissue or autoimmune disorders
- Toxins, ethyl alcohol, ethylene glycol
- Oliguria favors AKI
- Abrupt anuria: consider postrenal, renal embolism, severe glomerular
PMHx (increasing risk of AKI)
- DM
- Multiple Myeloma
- Chronic infection
- Myeloproliferative Disorder
Physical Exam
- Skin: purpura, petechiae, echymosis, livedo reticularis -
inflammatory or vascular causes
- signs of TTP, DIC, embolic phenomena
- Eyes: Uveitis - interstitial nephritis, necrotizing vasculitis
- Ocular palsy - ethylene glycol poisoning, necrotizing vasculitis
- Fundoscopic Exam - e/o severe HTN, atheroembolic phenomena,
- Cardiovascular System: volume status, VS including I+O, JVP, heart,
lungs, skin turgor, mucous membranes, peripheral edema - CHF, severe
HTN (renovascular disease, glomerular nephritis, vasculitis, atheroembolic
- Abdomen: signs of outlet obstruction postrenal;
epigastric bruit renovascular HTN
Lab Studies
- ratio BUN/Cr > 20:1 prerenal
- BUN may be elevated in GI bleed, mucosal bleeding, steroid, protein
- if serum creatine rises greater than 1.5 mg/dL/day, must r/o
- anemia: due to dilution and decrease eryhthropoiesis
- microangiopathic hemolytic anemia with schistocytes and
thrombocytopenia: indicates HUS (hemolytic uremic syndrome)
- oliguria + neutropenia and thrombocytopenia: consider SLE
- eosinophilia: allergic interstitial nephritis
- Schistocytes - HUS/TTP
- rouleaux formation - multiple myeloma, consider SPEP,
- myoglobin, free hemoglobin, uric acid
Other serology
- complement testing: decreased c3, c4; acute post-streptococcal
glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis, membranoproliferative
- elevated ASO: confirms Acute PSGN
- ANA: suggests lupus
- ANCA: suggests vasculitis
- few hyaline, fine granular casts; little protein, heme, red cells:
- heme postive urine with no red cells: rhabdomyolysis or
- hematuria, proteinuria: intrinsic renal failure (glomerular,
- brown granular casts: intrinsic renal failure, ischemic or toxic
- red cell casts: intrinsic, acute glomerular nephritis
- RBCs
- Eumorphic: bleeding along the collecting system
- Dysmorphic: glomerular nephritis
- white cells, white cell casts, eosinophilia: intrinsinc,
interstitial nephritis
- eosinophilia: allergic interstitial nephritis, but can
also be seen in UTI, glomerulonephritis, atherembolic disease
- oxalate crystals: ATN
Urinary Indices
- Comparine urine and serum creatinine, sodium, osmolality
- resorptive capacity of tubular cells and concentrating ability is
preserved in prerenal conditions
- these functions are impaired in instrinsic renal
failure due to structural damage
- Be careful with urinary indices; serum and urine
indices should be checked prior to fluids, diuretics, mannitol; urine should
be free of glucose, contrast, myoglobin
Urine Indices and Prerenal failure
- Specific gravity is high: >1.020; (able to concentrate urine)
- urine: plasma creatinine ratio > 40 (dumping creatinine)
- urine: plasma osmolality high ratio >1.5 (concentrating urine)
- urine sodium low < 20 mEq/L (resorption of Na to preserve intravascular
- FENa, the percentage of filtered sodium that is excreted, is low < 1% (resorption
capacity intact)
- only useful for AKI with Oliguria
- valuable indicator of functioning renal tubules
- be careful; urine indices suggestive of prerenal may in
fact be early glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, vascular occlusion, early
postrenal failure, contrast nephropathy, rhabdomyolysis; FENa may be falsely
elevated in urine high in prerenal failure with high excretion of ketones
and glucose
- FEurea, the percentage of filtered urea that is excreted; helpful with
patients on diuretics; urea transport not affected
Urine Indices and Intrinsic failure
- Specific gravity is low < 1.020 (unable to concentrate urine)
- urine: plasma creatinine ratio < 20 (unable to dump creatinine)
- urine: plasma osmolality low< 1.1 (unable to concentrate urine)
- urine sodium is high > 40 (unable to reabsorb Na)
- FENa, the percentage of filtered sodium that is excreted, is high >2% (resorption
capacity impaired)
- mainly supportive
- minimize further damage, discontinue renotoxic medications
- maintain volume homeostasis
- furosemide plays a role in treating volume overload; it has no role in
converting an oliguric AKI to non-oliguric AKI although response to
furosemide may be a good prognostic sign
- correct acidosis
- correct hyperkalemia
- correct hematologic abnormalities