ICSI June 2006
Assmann, 1992; Drexel, 1994, Laakso, 1988
- the role of TG in the development of atherosclerosis remains unclear
- due to the inverse proportion between HDL and TG, it has been felt that
hyperTG may be atherogenic only through low HDL
- in certain subgroups (ie, diabetics and women), studies suggest that
hyperTG is an independent risk factor for atherogenesis
- current theory holds that hyperTG contributes to the formation of a
subclass of LDL that is highly atherogenic
- the PROCAM study: in patients with LDL/HDL > 5, showed a significantly
higher atherosclerotic even rate if TG > 200
- risk of pancreatitis increases with TG > 500 mg/dL and moreso with TG >
1000 mg/dl.
Primary Therapy
- Weight loss
- Stop smoking
- No alcohol
- DM control
- Therapeutic Lifestyle change
- Physical activity
Secondary Therapy
- Fibric Acids
- Niacin (can elevate FPG in pts with DM)
- Fish oil (EPA-DHA)