Hepatitis C
There are 6 major genotypes
- Type 1 is the most difficult to treat and the most common. Biopsy is
usually performed to assess stage at diagnosis, establish baseline.
- Type 2 has a high therapeutic success rate (85%). Biopsy may not be
necessary if patients are willing to treat anyway.
- Type 3 in general also has a high therapeutic success rate unless there is
a high viral titer, in which case it is difficult.
- All other types are difficult to treat.
Advice to avoid transmission:
- avoid sharing toothbrushes, dental, shaving equipment
- cover any bleeding wound in order to keep blood away from others
- the risk of sexual transmission is low and that the infection itself is
not a reason to change sexual practices (ie, those in long-term relationships
need not start using barrier precautions and others should always practice
"safer" sex)
- do not donate blood, body organs, other tissues, or semen
- If HCV positive
- Obtain genotype and viral level
- Refer to hepatology for biopsy