UA: AMI without e/o myocardial necrosis; biomarkers negative; new-onset,
crescendo, or at rest
NSTEMI: AMI with e/o myocardial necrosis; biomarkers positive
Prinzmetal: spasm; young, smoker; h/o migraine, reynaud; non-exertional
High Risk factors:
accelerating tempo in preceding 48H;
ongoing rest angina >20min
recurrent angina or ischemia at rest or with low-level activities
despite intensive medical therapy
Sn/Sx of heart failure
Intermediate risk:
> 20 min rest angina, now resolved
< 20 min rest angina relieved with NTG
Low risk:
New onset or crescendo angina
Without prolonged rest pain
Any recent GI Bleed?
Greenfield filter?
Pacemaker/ICD? Aortic Stenosis? Posterior/back pain, ie. dissection? e/o
Cerebrovascular disease? Amaurosis fugax, face/limb
weakness/clumsiness/numbness/sensory loss/ ataxia/vertigo
Cardiac Risk Factors:
h/o CAD, DM (A1C, microalbumin), HTN, h/o TIA/CVA/DVT/PE, HPL, Fam Hx,
Smoking Hx, Age>65; TIMI risk:
Functional status:
Current status and recent changes
NYHA class
- Class I: patients with no limitation of activities; they suffer
no symptoms from ordinary activities.
- Class II:
patients with slight, mild
limitation of activity; they are comfortable with rest or with mild
- Class III: patients with marked limitation
of activity; they are comfortable only at rest.
- Class IV: patients who should be at complete rest, confined to
bed or chair; any physical activity brings on discomfort and
symptoms occur at rest
MET level
Medications: ASA?
BB? ACEi? Or ARB? Statin?
Allergy: Iodine?
High Risk factors
Pulmonary edema, rales, s3 (overt heart failure)
Worsening MR
Hypotension or Hemodynamic instability
20% of all cardiogenic shock complications are found in NSTEMI; 5%
of all NSTEMI have cardiogenic shock with mortality > 60%
Age > 75yo
Sustained V-tach
Labs: Recent Lipid (within 3 months), Cr
ECG: High Risk: ST change > 0.05 mV (5mm)
STEMI = 0.1 mV (1mm)
ST-segment depression: typically UA or NSTEMI
ST-segment depression in 2 contiguous anterior precordial leads (V1,
V2): posterior MI
New Onset LBBB: MI
Inverted T waves: typically UA/NSTEMI
Marked symmetrical precordial T-wave inversion (>0.2mV, 2mm): acute
ischemia, particularly of LAD
Non-specific ST-segment (< 0.05mV or 0.5mm) and T-wave inversion (<2mm)
are less diagnostically helpful
Established Q waves greater than 0.04 second are less helpful in
diagnosing UA, but by suggesting prior MI, they indicate a high
likelihood of significant CAD
Isolated Q waves in lead III: may be a normal finding
Normal ECG in a patient with chest pain:
1% - 6% of such patients eventually are proven to have had an MI (by
definition, NSTEMI), and
at least 4% will be found to have UA
Previous/Current ECHO (EF -- high risk EF<40%, valvular abnormalities -- AS,
RWMA, diastolic function)
Previous Stress testing (areas/% infarct/ischemia)
Previous angiography/CABG/PTCA/Stent
TIMI score:
TIMI index (predicts short-term mortality in STEMI, 30day to 1 year
mortality in all ACS including UA/NSTEMI): heart rate x [age/10]squared) div
by systolic pressure.
High risk: ICU, Intermediate, Cardiology
Intermediate: Intermediate, Med/surg
Immediate medications
ASA 325mg PO crushed/chewed
Heparin or Enoxaparin (1mg/kg SC bid +/- 30 mb IVB)
NTG 0.4mg SL q5min x 3
contraindication: SBP<90, HR<50, suspected RV
infarct, viagra/cialis use
BB: metoprolol 5mg IV q5min x 3 then 25mg
Contraindications: HR<60, SBP<100, moderate/severe CHF, 2nd
or 3rd degree heart block, severe bronchospasm
Morphine: if sx persist or CHF
Oxygen: SaO2>92%
Consider platelet GP IIb/IIIa inhibition
If RV infarct: caution with nitrates, beta-blockers, diuretics
Telemetry for duration of stay
ECG q6H x 3
CE q6H x 3
If inferior AMI, RS ECG for V4R
Lipid profile if not done within 3 mos
Other labs: PT/PTT/INR; K; CBC
If DM, adjust insulin and fluids while NPO; hold metformin day before and
day of possible angiography
If Cr>1.5, consider mucomyst, bicarb gtt
If CKD; check GFR (<60 abnormal), microalbuminuria, albumin/cr ratio
If Iodine allergy, predisone 50mg 4p, 11p, 6a; benadryl 50mg q6H, pepcid
20mg BID; start evening prior to cath
Overall goals from outpatient perspective:
smoking: complete cessation
blood pressure: < 130/80 especially if CKD, DM
lipids: LDL <<< 100
if triglycerides > 500, treat with fibrate/niacin before LDL lowering
saturated fats < 7% of total calories
adding plant stanol/sterols (2g/day), fiber (>10g/day) to further
decrease LDL
consider omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fish or capsules
physical activity
cardiac rehab
overall goals: 30-60min q day of moderate intensity aerobic workout
(brisk walk) 5 days per week; optimal daily; increase daily
lifestyle activities (walking break at work, gardening, household
encourage resistance training 2 days per week
BMI 18.5 – 24.9 kg/m2
Waist: men < 40 inches (102 cm), women < 35 inches (89cm)